Saturday, May 28, 2022

General Morgan Inn Greeneville Tennessee

 Here is a brief look at the General Morgan Inn in Greeneville Tennessee!

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Dickson Williams Mansion Greeneville Tennessee

 The Dickson Williams Mansion in Greeneville Tennessee with forever be associated with the death of Confederate General John Hunt Morgan.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Mitch Hedberg at the Comedy Clubs- Tempe Arizona 2004

We were lucky enough to be able to catch the LEGENDARY Mitch Hedberg at a couple of comedy clubs when he was still around.  I have to admit that I am very proud of this.  He was easily gone too soon....

Back in 2004 we took one of my all time favorite trips to Arizona.  More on that later, BUT, while we were there, we saw an add about Hedberg playing a local venue that evening!  We knew we had to check it out!

We actually drove right to the venue after hearing about the show.  Mitch was doing two shows that evening.  We got to the venue and asked about tickets.  We were told the first show was sold out, and that, if we wanted to get in on the second show, we should buy the tickets now as they were almost gone.  We bought them!

That was something about Mitch Hedberg...  I think everyone had caught him on a late night show or something.  He wasn't starring in a sitcom or anything.  He was there....  he was different, and he was hysterical.  I remember talking to a comedy club owner once who said that Hedberg was the only touring comic that came through that he did not have to give away tickets for.

Mitch was great that night.  If you are too young to remember him, look him up now.  He was just funny as heck.  His deadpan/shyguy/observation humor was brilliant.

We were able to catch him again in Cleveland shortly after that.  I don't remember the date, but people were calling for specific jokes from the audience.  it was another great show.

AND, I remember hearing on Howard Stern one morning that he had died.  It was close to (but not on) April Fools Day, and I thought that this surely must be a joke....  but it wasn't.

I still have a couple of his CDs that I play now and then.  For some reason, I kept this promo card from some shows he did in Cleveland.  We were getting some great talent up there!  Check out the small promo for a pre-Tosh.0 Daniel Tosh!

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

1950's Brown Hotel Matchbook cover- Louisville, KY

 I found a great matchbook cover from the Brown Hotel from the 1950s.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Andrew Johnson's First Greeneville Tennessee Home March 2022

 We visited another great Andrew Johnson site in Greeneville Tennessee- here is his first home there!

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Andrew Johnson Homestead Greeneville Tennessee March 2022

 We had a chance to visit the Andrew Johnson Homestead in Greeneville Tennessee again!  On this day, we were able to do a self guided tour and we also talked to a very informative ranger!  There is a copy house in town too, and we drove by it.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Andrew Johnson National Cemetery March 2022

 We stopped by to see the final resting place of President Andrew Johnson in Greeneville Tennessee again.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Andrew Johnson National Historic Site Greeneville TN March 2022

 Here is a brief look at the main visitor center for the Andrew Johnson National Historic Site in Greeneville Tennessee!