Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"King of Kings" Jesus destroyed in Cincy

I have some nice photos of him somewhere, but I can't find them right now.

I was very saddened today to hear that, last night, lightning struck the famous Jesus statue in Cincinnati and he was destroyed.

AKA Touchdown Jesus and Butter Jesus, this young piece of art has made a name for himself (he has even been immortalized in a song by Heywood Banks!).

I think even those who are not religious had to stop and admire the big statue. He was really something. He was a great monument for the area, and brought it some attention.

I really feel for my friends at the Solid Rock Church today.

I know that in one of the church areas at Berea, a painting of Jesus was vandalized. The painting was restored and was put back on display.

I am not trying to be prophetic here, but..... I don't think this is the last we have seen this Jesus either.

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