Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Creme Coffee House in Owensboro

The Creme in Owensboro has been mentioned on my other blog, but I wanted to give it a mention here too!

This might be my favorite coffee shop, in or out of the state. it is just perfect. I like everything about it.

There is some great local art hanging around the inside, and it is set up perfectly! I love lots of brick and wood in a coffee shop. The place feels calm.

The guys that put this great coffee shop in downtown Owensboro did it with heart, and with a lot of attention to detail. Some independent businesses, especially in a smaller market like Owensboro, may have put some thrift store table and chairs in to an old vacant business, drawn up a coffee shop sign, and declared that they were ready for business. The guys at the Creme didn't do that. Check out the photo of the gorgeous bar! Notice the art on the walls.

They have good stuff too. You can't go wrong ordering here. The staff has always been friendly too. Oh, and they have local musicians playing inside on the weekends!

Right next door, on both sides, are two other cool places I like. Check out the artsy gift shop right next door! They have a very nice small theater upstairs that can be rented for parties! My niece had a party here. I have some photos somewhere that I might try to put up soon.

On the other side of the Creme is another great store. They have some vintage Owensboro photos framed that they sell for a very reasonable price.

So, go downtown and check this place out!

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