Friday, March 30, 2012

Cleveland Art Museum

Admission is free, but the items on display are priceless! For a traveler to the area, the Cleveland Museum of Art is a great value!

The Museum of Art in Cleveland is exhausting too! You will get a work out just walking through all of the rooms here.

They are doing some renovations right now, and one staff person estimated the cost of renovations could come to a half a billion dollars!

This museum holds one of my all time favorite paintings "The Race Track (Death on a Pale Horse)". In fact, I was able to buy a print of it in the museum gift shop.

For an art museum, they are actually pretty generous with allowing photos, and the guys standing around keeping an eye on things are friendlier than at other museums. Several told us about the art, and gave us additional information about how the museum acquired certain pieces, the arts' history, etc.

As a former Clevelander, I think this might be the place to go if you only have one day in Cleveland. I would definitely rank it above other over hyped rock n' roll attractions.

PLUS, it is in the University Circle area, and it is not far from the Coventry area.

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