Thursday, March 12, 2015

Interview with Ron Cerosky bassist from the RailShakers!

I just mentioned the RailShakers from Akron Ohio the other day.  I asked bassist Ron Cerosky about doing a quick Q & A and he agree!  Check it out!

1.  Hey Ron, thanks for taking the time to do a Q & A about your career, and your new band, The RailShakers!  To start out, I know you were a part of that amazing Akron music scene back in the 70s!  Did you ever rub elbows with the Mothersbaughs or the Hyndes?  How exciting was it to be playing music in Akron in the 70s?

LOL No never met them but have seen Chrissie running around Akron a few years ago. I knew the Casale's brother's Father (from Devo) for a while. He made my mother a stained glass piece for her birthday.
 For the most part the 70's scene here in Akron for me is a blur today. I was quite inebriated back then- you know...great times!
 I saw Hammer Damage, Husker Du, The Clash at the Civic and allot of other bands from NYC and all over who maybe got big. It was a big party- a big dirty party.  The music was loud and we lived it all night. I was a kid from the sticks so coming to Akron was like NYC to us.
 I saw things I never saw in the sticks and had only heard about like hookers and drugs... to see a real was wild.
 As a musician back then I couldn't get anything going. I really kind of gave up and just went to shows and partied.  It is  a period I will never forget. For awhile Akron was cool and we had a great music scene here..Kent also.

2.  You and Mike were previously in Lo-Watt Radio together, can you tell us about where the other members of Lo-Watt Radio are now?  I was a huge fan of Doc's!

Well Doc (Glen Blankenhorn) has a band now down where he lives around Athens Ohio. I see him on facebook sometimes and its a bluegrass band.
When LWR was folding he was diagnosed with Cancer. I have heard he beat it and from the looks of things he is retired and doing quite well.
 He is a great guy and a master player. Doc used to say" if it has strings I can play it". Truer words could not be spoken.
Drummer Joel Geiser moved to Virginia and is playing in a band down there. We stay in touch a little. Evan Moran (keys) is in Cleveland and has a band again. We don't stay in touch much but they were all great guys and great players. I am honored to of had the time with them and playing together.

3.  Are you guys (The RailShakers) doing much material from Lo-Watt Radio?

Yes and no. Mike Harven is the soul of LWR and the Railshakers. He is truly a gifted songwriter- one who I'm afraid will never be heard by the masses ...which suits him just fine.
 Mike is very humble is very anti- music business establishment.  More so than most performers at his level. He doesn't do it to be vain or trying to be a tortured songwriter behind a vail, he is just a family guy who likes to play and go home. I have played with quite a few people but nobody impresses me like Mike does. He is talented beyond his years.
We do cover some LWR songs, some old songs have also been restructured. Mike has plenty of songs and really wants to distance this band some from LWR and let the Railshakers walk on its own.

4.  Can you give me a brief rundown of the other members of your new band, and their previous projects? 

Kristine Jares (violin) has performed for years all over NE Ohio. She is a former member of Cats on Holiday and Jehovah's Waitresses back in the day. She is a great violinist and performer.
 Chris Celleghin (drums) has also played around the scene for years and plays for his Church. He is a very talented and tasteful drummer.
 We just added a guitar player James Bucceri. James played in the Cleveland band The Not so Good Ol' Boys. I don't know a lot about his past band but he is also skilled and knows the scene.

5.  You guys seemed very comfortable as a four piece- and it felt like there was a lot of music coming out of the four of you!.  Do you feel like five is the right number for what you all are doing?  By the way, I will take a violin/fiddle any day of the week over a lead guitar!

Well funny we just added a lead guitar a month ago.. LOL. James does play tasteful and understands Kristine's violin is the main lead instrument of the band.  The guitar adds some grit and allows Mike to take a step back on guitar when he wants to.
 We are now really working James and his sound into the Railshakers and are excited to see what it will add to the music.

6.  When will we see a RailShakers album come out?  Where are you all going to be playing over the next few months?

There is an EP out now. I did not play on it or, for the record, any recorded tracks the band has now. I joined after the past bassist left and was reunited with Mike again. I wanted to play again with him before I kick the bucket so that one is crossed off the bucket list.  There are tracks being mixed for a full album with the former bassist.
I do not know when this will be out but stay tuned.  We are on facebook and reverbnation so go there for more details in the future. We are booked to play around the Akron/Cleveland area this year. Our next gig is April 24th at The Barking Spider in C-Town.  It's my favorite place to play there and I'd say its like the Austin City Limits of Cleveland.

7.  Again, Akron is such a great city for music.  I remember seeing some amazing shows downtown... there are some great venues.  What are some of your favorite venues to play and what is special about them?

Well Akron is limited for live music and playing originals makes it even tougher to find places to play. I enjoyed Musicia, Highland Square Fest, and the Old 97.  Thats a favorite place. We did a show at a club now closed on my 50th Birthday. It was a great crowd and was just weeks after my Father had passed. My Sister brought my Mother down for that show. I was deeply moved since my Mother or Father never seen me play. They both bought me my first guitar as a kid.
 It was quite a night which I will never forget. In Cleveland I love the Barking Spider, Brothers Lounge and Prosperity Social Club. Bonnie at PSC was the first and only club owner to give LWR, an Akron based band, a shot. We play there again this summer.
Any gig is a good one for me, I'm an old hack and just playing with fine folks is always a great night.

8.  Ron, thanks for taking the time to talk!  Any last thoughts?

My pleasure! Its not everyday somebody takes and interest in an aging ,semi talented bass player. Bass players never get the spotlight you know.
 I love still playing and, for what its worth, I give it my all.  I might not impress many with my musical skills but you will have a hard time beating my passion and desire.

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