Monday, July 11, 2016

Sherman in NYC

I was pretty excited to see the gold William Tecumseh Sherman Statue while in New York.  The piece was done by the legendary artist Augustus Saint-Gaudens.

It was raining and cloudy, so it was impossible for me to get that perfect shot.  Still, I was there.

Sherman is one of the most significant players in the Civil War, and one of the most divisive.  I have talked to some Georgians that still consider him to be one of the greatest villains of all time.

I do enjoy the stories involving Sherman after the War.  Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston, who surrendered to Sherman, maintained a friendship with him.  They would have dinner together, and Johnston served as a pallbearer for Sherman.

One of my favorite post Civil War stories involves Sherman receiving a letter from Confederate legend Nathan Bedford Forest.  In 1873, it was looking like the US might go to war with Spain.  Forest's letter was an offer to help Sherman out if the war happened (it didn't).  Still, the thought of the two roughest and dirtiest players on each side of the Civil War teaming up is intriguing.

Oh, we also saw this great bust of Sherman at Grant's Tomb.  Sherman is all over the place!

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