Saturday, January 21, 2017

Rabitt Hill Inn in Lower Waterford Vermont- part 2

I wanted to take a moment to talk about the over the top meals we enjoyed while staying at the Rabbit Hill Inn.

I have already gone on and on about how perfect our stay was, and our experience at their restaurant was the same.

Breakfast was included with our stay here, but dinner was not.  And, though a bit pricey, after reading reviews and recommendations, we knew that we would regret it if we did not splurge on dinner at the Rabbit Hill Inn.

On the night we arrived, our dinner reservations were for 6:45.  There is a very nice little bar area at Rabbit Hill Inn, so we decided to have a coffee and tea there as we waited for dinner.

I don't want to get too distracted on this point, but the coffee here was perfect.  If you love coffee, you know that some places just never get it right.  There are coffee shops that I enjoy going to that have good coffee, but its not perfect.  Some places get it perfect.  I think keeping your equipment clean, and keeping the coffee fresh will do it, but few places pay that much attention to detail.  Along with everything else, Rabbit Hill Inn got their coffee perfect.

And the bar area was so nice.  There were a few small tables, a book shelf with games, and some nice knick knacks displayed.  I didn't get a photo, but the bar looked very well stocked, and I am sure that anyone wanting a beverage here other than tea or coffee would be pleased.

At promptly 6:45 Donn, who had been helpful with us since we first stepped foot in the Inn, came to take us to our table, insisting on carrying my wife's tea.

Our waitress and Donn were both aware of every need, while also giving us time to enjoy our meal.  My drink was about half full at one point, and Donn refilled me while playfully promising me that my drink would not get that low again.

I started off with a great bowl of potato leek soup, and then had salmon with clams.

I know my photos don't really show how vibrant our meals looked (I didn't want to ruin the vibe with a photo flash here) but they looked incredible.

My salmon and clams were very unique and appreciated, and I am wishing I could find something similar again.  Sadly for me the dining experience AND the food will be in my mind forever as a great one time memory.

We shared a vanilla ice cream dessert that was made at the Inn.  No national brand name ice cream here.

During our meal, our waitress brought an interesting appetizer for us to try.  It was something the chef made up that was a date with bacon on it if I remember correctly.  She also gave us another bonus of a small rich chocolate cake type thing at the end of our meal.  I took a bite and loved it, but there simply was no more room inside of my stomach for anything else at this point!

For breakfast, we enjoyed another amazing meal at the Rabbit Hill Inn.

We started with a huge table of fruits and pastries.  Check out the photo.  At any hotel, this would be considered a nice, full breakfast.  Not here though.  We were able to order a very classy hot breakfast.

We loved it all.  I must say that I felt a bit cautious about corn in a tomato which came with my meal.  After trying it though, I was pleasantly surprised.  It looked attractive on the plate, and it tasted great!

Again, everything tasted great, and I look forward to future visits (and meals!) at the Rabbit Hill Inn.

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