Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Lexington Carriage Company- Virginia

We had a nice long carriage ride around Lexington Virginia with the Lexington Carriage Company.

I had read about this group before our trip, and I knew this would be a great way to see the entire city....  and all of the historic sites in a quick trip.....  I knew that we would get a good feel for the layout of everything.

We made mental notes of all of the sites and businesses we might want to walk by later.

I was thinking though, if you are only in town for a few hours, this would be a great way to take the town in.  Some people (like me!) might want to walk right up to the Stonewall Jackson monument in the cemetery...  But for others, seeing it from a distance while doing a carriage ride might be good enough.

It was a $16 a person for a nice ride around Lexington, and I think that is a very good value.  We were on roads with cars, but most were able to pull around us, so the drivers in the area didn't seem annoyed.  Plus, there is generally a slow pace here.

Our driver (I think his name was Daryl) was great, AND he gave us a couple of cookies to give his horses after the ride!

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