Friday, November 17, 2017

Mad Monks Coffee Shop- Charles Town West Virginia

You know I love coffee, and I really love oddball little coffee shops.  Well, my wife googled around and found Mad Monks Coffee Shop in Charles Town and we knew we had to visit!

They do close around 3, so we made a point to swing by earlier in the day.

Anyway, this is a coffee shop ran by Catholic Priests.

We went in and ordered a couple of drinks.  The friendly fellow who helped us seemed joyful and witty.  I joked with him about having too many options to choose from and he had a quick witted response for any playful jab.

The shop was cozy and the coffee was great.  The vibe inside was not stuffy and uptight......  like one might assume a coffee shop ran by priests might be (not to stereotype).  It felt more upbeat, welcoming, and happy.

I know there are a lot of coffee shops out there right now connected to a church, or trying to be a part of some mission.  I like seeing that sort of thing.... a business trying to do more than make a profit.  This seems similar, but still totally different.  I am not sure if there are many more coffee shops ran by priests, but I give these guys a HUGE tip of the hat.

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