Monday, January 22, 2018

Last meal in New York City at Grand Central Station

It was getting late on Sunday.  We had been in New York since Thursday.  We had been having a blast, and we felt like we had really conquered the town this time.  Between this visit and our previous one, we had done it all.

In fact, most of the things to do on our checklist for this trip had been checked off by midday Friday.  We had covered a lot of ground.

AND, I had been having a lot of trouble sleeping on this trip.  I was happy with my bed at the Grand Hyatt, but New York is simply electric.  It is hard to rest in this rockin' town.

We decided to spend most of our last day before flying back just walking around with no real plan.  We would stop for coffee (more than once) and cheesecake.

But the day was winding down.  We would need to get our bags and make our way to the airport soon.  And, we needed to get a meal before leaving.

The Grand Central Terminal Food Concourse has really impressed us on both trips.  Guys in business suits and the obviously homeless spend time here.  We were asked for money while hanging out on this level, but no one was aggressive... and cops are everywhere. 

In fact, the cops in New York are rock stars.  We saw tourists ask to get their photos with them.  Here in the Food Concourse, we saw cops come around and ask people, particularly the ones sleeping, and looking like they might be having a hard time, how they were doing.  It was very sincere and sweet.

For our last meal in town, I had a VERY hot and tasty bowl of tomato and rice soup from Hale and Hearty soups.  With bread and crackers, this was a very filling and great dinner.  Mark had a kosher meal that looked good too, and he liked it a lot.  I forget the name of the place where he got his.

So, we sat and slowly ate soup in Grand Central Station, relaxing before catching our plane back to Kentucky.

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