Monday, November 12, 2018

Countdown Games in Lexington KY

I wanted to give a quick mention to Countdown Games in Lexington.  We went there for a friends birthday recently and had a lot of fun.

We did their "Castle" game, and it was pretty crazy!  I wasn't even really thinking about taking pictures of the game itself, as we were hustling the whole time.

I actually didn't really want to do this sort of thing, but my friends made me.  But, just hearing about it I didn't feel excited.  It sounded like a large board game.

That wasn't the case at all.  It was fast paced and exciting.  We all had to solve puzzles and use clues to eventually get out of a castle.  There were five of us, and we had to work individually, as a group, and as split groups at times.  One task involved some musical talent too!  I don't want to say too much about that one in case you go, but it was a fun and odd experience!

The Castle was 3 levels tall, and we would find ourselves having to backtrack for some clues and items.  Especially towards the end we were running back and forth scrambling to finish within an hour.

AND...  we did finish with 58 seconds to spare!  We were given some clues here and there, but we still felt like we had accomplished something!

There was a person watching us (by camera) in case something was needed.  He was a very friendly fellow and added to the fun of the whole experience.

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