Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Old Fort Harrod State Park in Harrodsburg KY

 When we first moved back to Kentucky we ended up hanging out at Fort Harrod a lot.  We really enjoyed the Fort and events there.  We realized recently though that we hadn't visited in some time, so we went there the other day.

It is actually a replica of the original fort which was located at a site right across the street from where the replica stands today.  There is a parking lot at the original site.

The replica itself is pretty cool and historic, and it is coming close to being a century old itself!

Those early explorers who built the original Fort would have been active in the area around the 1770s and the Fort goes along with showing life during that time.

Old pioneer forts do have somewhat of a standard feel after you visit several (gated in, with homes and shops on the inside around the fence, with other buildings here and there inside).

I remember having a cowboys and Indians playset that could have passed for Fort Harrod.  I THINK it was made by Marx and it was great fun.  I am sure a playset like that wouldn't sell today.

Fort Harrod does have some enthusiastic staff talking about life during that period, and they dress the part.  We listened to one fellow talk about gun making.  My late father-in-law used to restore old rifles and would have loved this stuff.  It is interesting hearing about the process, especially the metals and molding process involved.

Another person was doing a demonstration on heating metal to hammer into a dinner bell I believe.  He let volunteers from our group fan the flames.

There was a doll maker here too (you could actually buy the soft, very old style dolls).  She talked a lot about raising children on the frontier, and how a baby crying could create a very bad situation for a family at that time.  Any attacking force could hear the crying....  So parents might keep a doll hidden to bring out and stop crying in these situations.  They would likely take the doll away once everything was clear.  They would want to make the doll a very special toy so that the child would stop crying immediately when they saw it.

The Fort alone is a great place to spend time, but your $6 or $7 admission also includes a lot more.  On the grounds is the historic old Osage Orange Tree, the marriage chapel where Abe Lincoln's parents were married, and there is a GREAT museum!

Unfortunately, they do not allow photos in the museum, but there are some great, pieces.  There is a piece of a tree where "DB" was likely carved by Daniel Boone.  There are some great Lincoln and Civil War displays.  Great vintage guns and musical instruments can be seen here too!

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