Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Minnesota Curiosities by Russ Ringsack and Denise Remick

After FINALLY making it to the great state of Minnesota to see THIS GUY, I thought it might be fun to read up a bit more on the state- see what else is up there that I need to see on my next visit.

Well, I found an old volume of "Minnesota Curiosities" and read it!

These are, in my opinion, some of the better travel guides out there, and they have been updated (in fact, I just checked and I read a fairly outdated version of the book from 2003....  but thats OK).

I took notes, and I realized that there is a TON more to see in Minnesota than I expected!

There are some cool connections to the movies, "Dances with Wolves" and "National Lampoon's Vacation Movie".  There are a lot of massive statues, mostly relating to Paul Bunyan.  There is a section of Minnesota you have to go through Canada to get to.  AND, there is a legit contender for the World's Largest Ball of Twine.

You can tell the authors care about the state and really sell ya on it.  This is a great book to keep around for future ideas, and its a great book to read straight through just to learn about the "Curiosities" Minnesota has to offer!


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