Mackinac Bridge

Mackinac Bridge
Mackinac Bridge, taken from the ferry on the way to Mackinac Island.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Random Thoughts On Friday

Man, in my area, we are still getting our heads on straight after the Equestrian Games!

I personally am not a horse person, so I never made it out to the actual events. Traffic around town was fine, I think a lot of people expected total chaos, but that was not the case. My favorite morning coffee shop was a bit crazier than usual. I did hear some different languages, that was nice!

I stopped by the downtown Starbucks a few times during the games and it looked rough! The staff there did a great job keeping things under control, but there was constant traffic in and out of there.

I did go with my mom and dad to the London "Welcome Home" parade for Vietnam vets. This was a very cool and classy event. I will get some photos and details of it up soon, but we had a great time.

LOTS of great seasonal events going on right now! Take advantage of them. There are "ghost walks" all over the state that will only occur a few weekends during this month. I know Carter Caves has a haunted trail event. Lexington has a GREAT ghost walk too. I have the links to the right, check them out! I have done the Lexington one, which is jam packed with great, strange historical stories.

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