Mackinac Bridge

Mackinac Bridge
Mackinac Bridge, taken from the ferry on the way to Mackinac Island.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Civil War Museum Bardstown

We stopped by the Civil War Museum in Bardstown recently!

I can not stress enough just how awesome this place is!

Their collection of authentic items from the Civil War is unbelievable.

I have mentioned before that I really enjoy authentic relics.  I like looking at an item and knowing that it was on the battlefield when something happened.  You know you are standing next to real history.  Standing next to a replica is no big deal.

I will be spending more time at this museum.  it is the kind of place you need to set aside a whole day for a visit.  I only had a few hours, and I feel the need to go back down when I have more time.

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