Mackinac Bridge

Mackinac Bridge
Mackinac Bridge, taken from the ferry on the way to Mackinac Island.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum in Austin Texas

Completing out our LBJ tour of Texas, we stopped at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum in Austin.

The museum is on the grounds of the University of Texas at Austin, but it is managed independent of the University.  We thought this was pretty cool, and we ended up having a nice lunch in a college cafeteria nearby (see my photo).  We were also able to get a glimpse of the famous Austin Tower on campus.

The LBJ Presidential Library is divided over 3 of the 10 floors in the building.  Most of the rest of the floors are archives.

On the first level (the third floor) we saw the limo used by Johnson after his Presidency.  There is a short film on Lyndon.

The most interesting (and odd) display involves an animatronic life sized version of LBJ telling jokes (I have heard that the jokes are edited, and they are a lot more tame than jokes generally told by Johnson).

On the next floor (#4) there were many photos of Presidents and others at the LBJ Museum.  We also noticed many photos around the Library showing President Obama enjoying himself looking at the same displays.
 The top floor was devoted to the Johnson's time in the White House.

I always enjoy looking at campaign buttons at these sites.  I was also excited to see a Remco bobble head of Johnson as I have one of these at home!

I was most impressed with an actual moon rock on display.  Check that out!

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