Mackinac Bridge

Mackinac Bridge
Mackinac Bridge, taken from the ferry on the way to Mackinac Island.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe Vermont

We were in the Stowe area for some time.  We had thought briefly about trying to get a room at the Trapp Family Lodge, but we decided not to.

An acquaintance had visited several months earlier, and described the staff as "prickly" towards non-hotel guests.  And, we got the same vibe while reading some online reviews.  Plus, another historic inn in the same area had better reviews, and was significantly more affordable.

Still, it is THE Trapp Family Lodge, and we were in the area, so we decided to swing by just to check it out.

We didn't spend a lot of time at the Lodge, but we did take in the views, chatted with staff, and walked through the gift shop.

After driving up hill for some time, we walked in.  There are displays about the family on the walls.

I asked a fellow at the front desk where the gift shop was located.  He very enthusiastically pointed the way for me.  So far, the place seemed very nice and friendly.

In the gift shop, we found several items we had to have (a patch, some postcards, etc.).  As I checked out, another very nice fellow helped me with my purchase.  I asked him about how it was working for the family.  He said that the Trapps are great people.  He also told me that three of the children are still living and that they are around the property!

We told the staff at the gift shop good-bye, and they responded with a very appropriate Auf Wiedersehen.

I have to be honest...  We loved the other place we stayed at in Stowe, but I hope to give the Trapp Family Lodge a chance at some point.  Our personal experience was much nicer than we expected.

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