Mackinac Bridge

Mackinac Bridge
Mackinac Bridge, taken from the ferry on the way to Mackinac Island.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Hunt Morgan House, Lexington, KY

Its funny how I am still trying to get around to seeing things literally in my own back yard.  AND, I have actually travelled a bit to see significant sites related to John Hunt Morgan (like this one) but it took me some time to finally get around to seeing the Hunt-Morgan House here in Lexington.

We stopped by recently and had a great guide named Paul.  You could tell that he loved the history of the home, and giving tours.

There is a display at the front relating to hemp., as the home, Paul said, was built using hemp money.  Our guide also talked about the use of slave labor at the home.

The home went through many changes from when it was built in the 1810s, even serving as apartments at one time.  We were shown in one room some very hard to notice places where small marks showed where rooms were divided into smaller rooms.  Two bathrooms were located in one area.  On the outside of the house, if you look closely, you can see where windows were bricked back in when the home was restored.

Pau poined out that the hardward on the doorknob of the front door is original.  There were other family items and parts of the home that were original too.

There is a very nice Civil War display on the second floor that we spent time in after our tour.  Relics directly relating to John Hunt Morgan and Basil Duke were on display.

Here are some pictures from our tour!

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