Mackinac Bridge

Mackinac Bridge
Mackinac Bridge, taken from the ferry on the way to Mackinac Island.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Blue Heron Winery- Cannelton IN

This is a little bit of a long story.  A few weeks ago a buddy of mine got married in Cannelton Indiana.  He was having it at Blue Heron Winery.

We went and it was a very sweet wedding.  It was small- as only a couple dozen people or so were invited, but it was very nice.  This was actually a great venue for a small wedding.

We talked to the bride and groom a few days after the wedding, and I mentioned that I wanted to come back to Blue Heron soon.  We ended up meeting them at Blue Heron again the next weekend.

We arrived early and met our friends.  We were welcomed by Gary, the owner of the winery.  Gary obviously enjoys meeting new people, and telling them about the wines made at Blue Heron.

I think I have mentioned here before that I don't drink.  Over the years, I have done a few bourbon tastings and that sort of thing.....  but I just don't drink.

Well, we did a tasting here, and our friends ordered a karafe of sangria.  I had some of that and I did enjoy the flavors.

Our friends the newly weds told us they have visited Blue Heron over a dozen times.  They really enjoy the wines available here!

There is a cozy tasting room on the property, with a few tables.  As Gary circulated doing other work, we enjoyed talking to our friends.  Other couples would trickle in.

There are chairs and a beautiful wooden porch outside of the tasting area- looking out over the Ohio River.  I truly get the appeal of this place.

There is a cozy cabin on the property that Gary runs, with his partner in crime Lynn.  We walked over a short distance from the tasting room to see the cabin.  Lynn was straightening it up and let us look inside.  It was so perfect.  You know my wife and I love staying in places like this, and I am sure we will be back in the near future.

There is something truly amazing on the property that makes a visit to Blue Heron a must do for any road tripper, even if they aren't exactly in to wines.

Lynn and Gary commissioned local artist Greg Harris to sculpt a Celtic Cross into a huge boulder.

Working obsessively for nearly 2 years, the cross was completed.  They believe that it is the largest insitu Celtic Cross in the world.

Check out their website for more info on it.  It is something amazing and unique to see.  I would like to tell you more about it, but you really have to stand next to it to appreciate all that went in to it.

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