More on this site later...... But for now here are some photos we took while at the Village at Grand Traverse Commons in Traverse City Michigan!
Where do I start?
First, I must tip my cap to my pal JW Ocker at the GREAT blog "Odd Things I've Seen" ( I have mentioned this site before). I actually read about this location on his site JUST before our trip around Lake Michigan.
So, here is the edited version of the story.
The Traverse City State Hospital started up in the 1880s and pretty much stayed open and functioning until 1989.
I picked up a couple of books on the place (again, more on those later too- this is a fun site to visit AND to research). From what I have read, this was a nice mental health facility.
Unlike other former psych hospitals, when you read up on the Traverse City State Hospital, you come away feeling good. The patients were treated well, and in a respectful way. As I read about the facility even in its early days, I felt like the staff was progressive, and way ahead of its time.

After the building stopped being used as a mental health hospital, it set around empty for some time. Then, the locals decided that it was a nice building, and worthy of preservation.
Fast forward to now- and the building formerly known as the Traverse City State Hospital is now the Village at Grand Traverse Commons.
I am SO PROUD of Traverse City for this. The grounds and the actual buildings are all well maintained and gorgeous. This is something very special.

AND, unlike other former psych facilities that have survived selling ghost and haunted tour tickets, this historic site is providing legitimate services to the community. AND it is restored and safe.
Traverse City has made this building in to a very upscale shopping facility and it is a MUST SEE for any visitor to the area. It didn't (nor has it been promoted as) old and creepy. It is peppy and lively.
Here are just a few of the places we liked a lot-

Cuppa Joe reminded me of the cool local diners that you read about but rarely see anymore. I found some cool postcards here after sipping on some nice coffee. I talked to some friendly staff and other friendly regulars there who gave me a quick lesson on the building.
We are not wine people ourselves, but we did pick up a bottle at Left Foot Charley for our pal who was watching our cat while we were gone. He says it is good stuff!
We had cheesecake at the Underground Cheesecake Company. We loved what we had as much as we loved the name of the place!

We stopped by the Higher Grounds Trading Company for coffee and a few more gifts (yes, I had coffee twice while at the Commons.... don't judge me). It was ANOTHER very cool independent type store with a cool vibe. They don't use paper cups here, so when I got my coffee to go, they gave it to me in a mug! People donate their mugs to this coffee shop just so they don't have to use paper cups! Pretty cool!
Oh, and there is an assisted living facility as part of the buildings too. I would love to live at a place like this one day!
Traverse City is a cool town with lots going on. They have minor league baseball, great scenery, and a cool place like this!