We were told that you check in behind the Hilton Hawaiian Village. I wish we had had some more time to explore the VERY historic Hilton Hawaiian Village, but we simply didn't. It is one of the largest hotels in the world, AND Elvis stayed here. That alone is pretty cool.

So, we walked through the village, and eventually found the Atlantis Submarines area. We went through a line to check in. A photographer took our photo with Diamond Head in the background. After our ride, they tried to sell us the photos for $45! I actually love the souvenir photos, even if they are over priced, but $45 was way over priced!

The boat ride was not very long, maybe 15 minutes, but the waters were choppy. They did tell us this before going... but, it was a rocky ride.
I have done pretty good in these kinds of conditions in the past, but not on this day. I think most people on the boat were feeling it. There were plenty of bags available for those who really got sick- I made sure one was within arms reach. I did not hear anyone get sick, but I did notice a few people throw away bags stealthily.

We were told to watch for the subs when they came up, and this was very cool- seeing them popping up from out of the water!
A ramp connected the boat to the sub, and we walked down a stair type ladder into the sub. We took seats with a nice round window in front of us.
After going down into the water, the moving waves on the surface could not be detected, and I think everyone started to feel better.
There are some interesting items to see once we went under, including a boat and a plane. Fish were abundant, and we did see a turtle.

When we reached 120 feet down, he suggested that we kiss our significant others. He said that this would probably be the deepest kiss of our lives!

As our time underwater came to an end, we went back up towards the surface. I could feel the waves again, and that sickness came back. We got off the sub, and back onto the boat for a brief ride back.
I kept my eyes closed to help with the wave motion... and I was glad to get back to land.