Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Civil War Sites around Elizabethtown KY 2020

 I recently posted a video about Elizabethtown Ketucky and their MANY Civil War conections!

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Kentucky Railway Museum Train Ride 08 22 2020

 AND......  Here is a video of the Kentucky Railway museum in New Haven Kentucky.  This is a bit of a long video....  I include the train museum AND the train ride!

Friday, September 25, 2020

Irish Acres/ The Glitz in Versailles KY

My wife has been to Irish Acres (the antique part) and The Glitz (the food part, in the basement) a few times and she FINALLY took me with her!

MAN is this place incredible!  I love hitting antique stores to check things out.....  but this place is a bit over the top!  I like small items.  I love old postcards and matchbooks......  but Irish Acres is NOT that kind of place!  Its a bit more high end.  They have some really interesting furniture, artwork, and other items.  MANY of the rooms in this extensive place are set up like a house.  This would be a perfect place for home decorators and artists to come to for inspiration.

I did see several things though that got me thinking.  I love old bookends, with a historic connection, and I saw some great ones here.  There were some really unique lamps too.  I enjoyed reading the descriptions on the art.....  One original piece caught my attention as it noted that President Reagan collected art from the artist!

We had reservations for lunch though, and after exploring the antique area, we headed for the basement for an amazing lunch!

My photos DO NOT do justice to the food.....  I hate using a flash because it is disruptive, so my pictures are a bit dark.  Let me tell you about the food though...

They brought out some refresher drinks that were sweet and sooooo enjoyable.  It was some sort of apple spiced tea drink with cherry.  I know the Buckhorn Inn in Gatlinburg has a similar drink for their meals that I have raved about here before.  This drink was similar, but still very unique.

They also brought out a very nice watermelon dish that was also different.  I think it was soaked in something, and topped with something else....... I can't remember right now but that was a nice starter too!

For appetizers, I had the shrimp aioli and my wife had the roasted tomato soup.  We shared, of course, and both were unbelievable.  I know my picture shows 3 pieces of shrimp, but those three pieces went a long way.  They were larger than they look and the flavor packed a wallop.  This was some of the best shrimp I have ever had...  and I love shrimp.

I had the Chicken Kit Carson for my entrée and it reminded me of something I might get at a Mexican restaurant, but it wasn't as heavy.  It tasted very fresh and light, actually.

My wife had their Summer Harvest Salad which she said was delicious and interesting.  She did not think the combinations (sliced plums, roasted beets, butternut squash chips, toasted pecans and goat cheese, among other ingredients) would mix well, but she said they absolutely were perfect together.

For dessert I had their chocolaty Nonesuch Kiss (jamoca ice cream, hot fudge sauce, toasted almonds, whipped cream) and my wife had the grape cobbler.  Both were great endings to a perfect meal.

Oh, I had coffee here.....  AND you know I love coffee.  I have said this before, but there is simply good coffee made right, and acceptable coffee (you know....  its not real tasty, but, you drink it anyway because its coffee).  The majority of places serve acceptable coffee.  Not here.  Along with getting the food perfect, they NAILED the coffee.  It tasted fresh and good.....  and I had several refills.

As my wife and I sat in the cavernous old school house basement, enjoying the food and the setting, our kind young waiter offered to take a photo of us.  He left for a bit and came back out, taking my phone to take some pictures, I could tell that he had used some antibacterial before taking my phone.  The Glitz hit it out of the park on every level.  How kind, thoughtful and appropriate right now.

Lunch is right under $30 a person here, which, for what you get, is a good value in my books (I can think of some overrated chain restaurants where you might pay a lot more for a lot less).

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Coffee Grinder Point Pleasant WV

Yes, yes....  I have mentioned the Coffee Grinder in Point Pleasant West Virginia a lot.  You have probably been there on your Mothman legend trip.....  but this is just such a perfect coffee shop.

Not only do I like Point Pleasant because of its weird history, but I like the town because it is centrally located.

On a recent roadtrip to Sugarcreek OH, we realized that, cutting through West Virginia, and going through Point Pleasant would add less than an hour to our drive, we could avoid the traffic of Cincinnati and Columbus, AND we could enjoy the wonderful rural West Virginia scenery as apposed to the interstates of Ohio.

AND....  we could stop at the Coffee Grinder for a halfway point treat.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Giant Cuckoo Clock- Sugarcreek Ohio

More photos and info on the Giant Cuckoo Clock in Sugarcreek Ohio!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Amish Country Donuts in Sugarcreek Ohio

Oh man, check out Amish Country Donuts in Sugarcreek!

It is in an old Sunoco!  AND its just perfectly cozy!  I love so many little businesses in this area!  They all have a nice, scrappy indy vibe..  PLUS ANY business that gets started here has to be good.  There is a lot of competition!

Anyway, check out the photos!  Their donuts are HUGE and the coffee is strong and tasty!

Carlisle Inn Walnut Creek

I really love the Carlisle Inn in Walnut Creek Ohio.  I have mentioned it a lot here....  but here are a few photos from our last stay there.

Moennonite and Amish People of Lancaster County, Pa.

This undated but vibrant postcard notes on the front that it shows, "Mennonite and Amish People of Lancaster County, Pa."

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Coblentz Candy Company Walnut Creek Ohio

RIGHT beside the Carlisle Inn in Walnut Creek is Coblentz Candy!  This is a great and unique local place to stop to grab some gifts for the friend back home watching your cat or dog!

Park St. Pizza- Sugarcreek Ohio

Yeah, there are some NICE restaurants in Sugarcreek Ohio.  I have mentioned some here before.

The area is just on top of having good, quality food.  If its not quality, it doesn't make it in this area.

AND, I discover something new and great every time I am in town.

So, one evening on our recent trip to Sugarcreek, we were craving pizza.  We saw that Park St. Pizza was nearby so we went there.

Like the nearby Wallhouse Coffee, I walked in and noticed how slick everything was.  It is clean and modern.  They had a busy, friendly staff.

I asked the very nice young lady who took our order if this was a chain.  She said that it was not, it was a local family owned business!

For a few bucks ($8) I got a small pizza with pepperoni.

This was a GREAT pizza!

The place smelled like pizza too.  They got their sauce and cheese ratios right.  It was filling.  They included a generous cup of garlic butter!

Park St. Pizza instantly became one of my all time favorite pizza places, and I can't wait to go back.

Like I said, the restaurant was crowded and we noticed a lot of Amish coming here to enjoy pizza.

Check out their logo too!  I LOVE the pizza cutter/tractor design!

Hillcrest Orchard- Walnut Creek Ohio

Here are just a couple of pictures we took at the Hillcrest Orchard in Walnut Creek Ohio.

The place is very scenic, and I got some great (and CHEAP!) peaches there, and some apple cider.  Get there now, their peaches are the best!

Its a nice little place to stop anyway, as they have a cool lookout over their property.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Walnut Creek Covered Bridge- Ohio

Here are a couple of photos of the Peace Bridge in Walnut Creek Ohio,