Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Golden Lamb Lebanon, Ohio

I really love the Golden Lamb in Lebanon Ohio. Its just a little north of Cincinnati. I have had the opportunity to go there several times. For those of you that like something a little old and spooky in October, this place is perfect. In fact, it is pretty nice any time of the year.

The Golden Lamb is, by some reports "haunted". I don't know if I can vouch for that, but it does have that kind of vibe. I spent a couple of nights there and I felt safe. In fact, our waitress in the restaurant told me that I was staying in one of the rooms that really creeps her out, but nothing at all happened.

The Golden Lamb is the oldest B&B in Ohio. It was established in 1803 and it feels its age. The floors do creek a bit, but that just adds to the place's charm.

The front restaurant is very nice and upscale. It reminds me of the Boone Tavern Hotel Restaurant in Berea Kentucky, another favorite. The Blackhorse Tavern (towards the side entrance of the hotel) is not as formal, and has bar food. Both places have a great selection, and everything tastes good. Don't be scared off by the tavern. It is very comfortable. Though the menu may look basic, the food is flawless. I have honestly had some of the best soup sandwich and salad meals ever here.

The town is really cozy too. There are some fun shops all around. Staying at the Golden Lamb in Lebanon would be a nice weekend getaway for anyone in Kentucky.

I think I have mentioned before that we were here over their Apple Fest weekend some time ago and we had a blast! We thought it might be a small event, with a few hundred people and maybe 20 vendors selling apples. We were wrong! It was a massive event, with thousands there, selling everything!

The Golden Lamb also reminds me of a movie set. If someone wanted to make a movie about an old, historic, but slightly mysterious (haunted) inn, they would not need to build it on a sound stage, they could simply go a little north of Cincinnati and find the Golden Lamb!

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