Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Donald Stratton- Pearl Harbor Survivor

I wrote a note to Donald Stratton asking him about his heroic experiences on Dec. 7th, 1941.

He sent a very nice, informative bio. Here are some notes that stood out to me.

"Dec. 7, 1941 was a Sunday morning like any other, or so we thought. We were up and around having breakfast. I had finished eating and picked up a few extra oranges in my white hat to take to a buddy in sick-bay. His name was Harl Nelson from Rouston, Ark., he did not survive."

Later, Donald noticed some sailors pointing to planes that were bombing Ford Island.

"I looked and saw the bomb blasts and thought I saw the water tower on Ford Island topple over."

"THIS IS NO DRILL- man your battles stations" Donald heard from the General Quarters.

From his vantage point, he could see two torpedo wakes headed for his ship, the Arizona.

"Let us keep America Alert, for they say history has a way of repeating itself."

Donald was burned on 50-60% of his body, but made it to the USS Vestal where he was helped.

Donald has had an amazing life since his VERY close call at Pearl Harbor. He has a big family, and has worked all over the world.

""Our Flag, duty, honor and courage, and the people who made the supreme sacrifices for our freedom, shall always be remembered. Keep America Alert, so that something like this does not happen again, or else all those sacrifices were for naught.

Donald does mention that he likes the DVD "The Death of the Arizona."

1 comment:

jimerado said...

Hey TetVet68, thanks for stopping by! Nice website you have...
These amazing vets are gold!

I have sent notes to many of them, and most have taken the time to write back. Their stories are better than any fiction out there. We cannot show these guys enough appreciation, but we should try.