Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

London Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home Parade

London Kentucky hosted one of the coolest events around in October. I know I mentioned it before it happened.

London had a "Welcome Home" parade for Vietnam Veterans.

I found my favorite Vietnam War veteran, my dad, and we went to catch the event. My mom went too.

Actually, the festivities lasted the whole weekend. I know there was a concert, and other events, but seeing the parade was our main goal.

We drove down to London and stopped by the grocery store parking lot where the parade was to start. There was a little check in area. Dad went up to some of the other veterans there, and one actually said, "welcome home."

We drove a bit downtown, got a parking spot, and found a nice place to watch the parade.

The parade was long and exciting. There must have been hundreds of bikers, vintage cars, military vehicles and other sites in the parade.

My dad had his Vietnam Veteran cap on that my cousin (who has served in Afghanistan himself) sent to him. Another guy walked up to my dad, then looked at his young daughter or granddaughter and said, "there is a real Vietnam veteran there."

My dad said hello to her, and she gave my dad a very cute beaded leather green and yellow key chain. Actually, I am not sure it it was meant to be a key chain, but that is what he has been using it for. My dad really appreciated this. It was very sweet seeing the 9 or so year old girl going around and giving these beads to the vets.

Another nice moment happened during the parade. My dad was standing against a wall, watching the vehicles full of other veterans go by. On one of the trucks, a veteran was pointing to other vets he saw (many also proudly wearing their veteran caps). He would point them out, get their attention, and then salute.

My dad is one of the most casual guys you will ever meet, but he changed for a few seconds. Immediately, he stood straight and saluted back.

Before my cousin went to Afghanistan, I know he talked to my dad about... going to war. I asked them both what does an old soldier say to a young guy going off to fight for our country.
They both gave similar responses. "Not much."

Anyway, London Kentucky hosted a very nice event that was appreciated by me and my

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