Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Zehnder's Famous Chicken Dinners- Frankenmuth, MI.

This is a bit of a follow up to my "Frankenmuth Michigan" entry a week or two ago. I included some interior and exterior photos I took of Zanders in 2011.

Well, this postcard is postmarked 1940! So, I was at Zehnder's 71 YEARS later, and it looks very similar to me! I love that kind of history and continuity!

The back of this postcard mentions that they serve 100,000 dinners and use 33,500 chickens annually! I am not sure how I feel about the stat on chickens used, but I do like this place a lot! There were two huge lines to get in the day I was there! Luckily, we got there early and had a great time!

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