Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Random Thoughts On Friday

Happy Friday the 13th!

Lots going on right now!  Check out this video posted on Yahoo!

I go to the restaurant frequently!  GREAT Pizza! 

I like what they are doing, but I think we can all do something similar on a smaller level.

I know if I am driving late at night and I stop at a Subway or a place like that I try to throw a buck or two on the counter if I had good, friendly service. 

I think it is a good thing to tip generously if you have good service.

I can think of times 2 times in my life when I did not tip at all (when the service was blatantly bad). 

I remember tipping 100% with a friend one night at a restaurant.  We were right out of high school, had our first jobs and we weren't used to getting good service (we looked like poor high school/college aged kids).  Anyway, one night in Nashville, we had great service form someone who did not judge us as we were used to being judged.

I think it would be nice if there were a national "tip generously day."  Like the video mentioned above, I think it would just promote a general good vibe.

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