Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Kevin Steele's Lexington Ghost Walk

So, as far as I am concerned, Halloween Season has already started!

Let me take a moment to plug one of my all time favorite "Ghost Walks" in the area- Kevin Steele's "Ghost Walk and Creepy Crawl".

I have done this one myself pretty much each year since moving back to the Lexington area and I really enjoy it each time.  He really packs a lot in to his walk.

And it is an impressive walk!  You will get a nice workout and you will hear a lot of great, DARK tales about Lexington.  Kevin tells his stories on the exact spots where the strange events occurred.  I don't want to give anything away but one of the creepiest stories he tells involves a major film that was shot here in the 1970s.

Kevin's ghost walk is a lot more involved and researched than others.  He has the style of a good story teller.  He doesn't allow recording or photos on his walk (his ghost walk is more comparable to good theater than a pseudo science search for blurry pictures).

AND, Kevin has buddied up with some of the local haunts.  Some locals have allowed interesting paintings to be viewed on the tour, and a local fire station with a lot of history has been friendly about letting the tour walk through!

So, I called Kevin to make sure he was doing the walk again this October and he assured me he was, starting Friday the 5th at 7pm.

After that, he plans on doing it each Thursday, Friday and Saturday in October at 8pm.  There might be some other times available, you should call him first to make sure he is doing it on the night you want.  His number is (859) 825-8702.

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