Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Random Thoughts On Friday

Hello!  I wanted to thank a few people for their recent messages through this site!  I took a bit of a road trip recently, and was away from my computer.  If I haven't gotten back to you yet, I will in the next few days!

On the subject of road trips.......

Recently, we travelled from Kentucky to the western part of South Dakota!  We even ventured in to Wyoming briefly to visit Devils Tower!

I plan on getting several posts up about the trip.  We met some very friendly folks here and there, and saw as many parks and sites as we could fit in.  Obviously an old west theme dominated our trip.  I have already started posting some Missouri related items.....

I do want to keep putting posts up about Kentucky, but my focus over the next month will be our trip west.  Also, October is creeping up on us, and before that great month starts, I will have some Halloween related entries up.

Please feel free to email me any thoughts or info you might have relating to Halloween in Kentucky!  I would love to hear a good ghost story about our area!  If you know of a seasonal event (walks, tours, plays, etc) I would love to post about them here!

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