Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Children of the Flames by Lucette Matalon Lagnado & Sheila Cohn Dekel

After visiting Eva Kor at her CANDLES Museum I have been doing a lot of reading on the Holocaust.

I won't go back over the Holocaust.  If you aren't familiar with what happened, please take a moment to look it up.  I am still amazed by the eye witness accounts I hear and read.  I am also amazed that this event happened at all, and so recently.

Children of the Flames by Lucette Matalon Lagnado and Sheila Cohn Dekel is a very easy to read and understand volume covering the the evil actions of Mengele and the experiments he performed on twins at Auschwitz.

The authors do a great job of interviewing survivors of Auschwitz.  In fact, a large part of the book contains quotes from the twins.

This would actually be a good book for anyone interested in the subject, but unsure of where to start.  A vivid picture of what life was like in the concentration camp is painted.  Also, how the twins lived after liberation is covered thoroughly.  Quotes about the survivors going back to their homes and finding that they were looted by neighbors give an idea about the continuing struggles that were faced.

Also covered is the story of Josef Mengele.  The reader gets an idea of what his life was like.  Most troubling is the fact that he was able to escape any sort of prosecution for his crimes.

This book gets my highest recommendation.  It is thorough but easy to understand.  Our friend Eva Kor makes an appearance, and there are many first hand witness quotes.

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