Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Halls on the River in Winchester

Hall's on the River is QUICKLY becoming one of my favorite restaurants around.  It is a short, scenic drive from Lexington and Richmond and they have some of the best beer cheese anywhere!

Plus, there is some history connected to their location.  Actually, a lot of history.

In 1776, Daniel Boone's daughter was in a canoe with Elizabeth and Fanny Callaway.  They were captured by a Cherokee-Shawnee group.  A few days later the girls were rescued. 

One of the rescuers, John Holder, married one of the Callaway sisters.  Later (in 1783), Holder opened a Tavern on the spot where Hall's is at now.

More recent history in the restaurant involves the River itself.  There is a display inside of  Hall's UNDER the river during flooding!

I had some of their beer cheese soup the other day.  It had a nice kick to it, and it was filling.  In fact, I had to take some of it home.

On another recent visit, I had their beer cheese burger.  They were generous with the cheese, and the burger was huge.  A fried banana pepper on it really put this one over the top.  And, like the soup, I had to take half of it home for a meal later... it was huge!

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