For the longest time, I thought all good horror started with Romero's "Night of the Living Dead" one of my all time favorite films. BUT, I think "I Am Legend" might have one up on NOTLD.
The book has been made into a movie more than once. I really liked the Will Smith version, but the book is what you want!
There are some odd concepts in the book that are used in other similar horror stories, but Matheson really paints a vivid picture. The whole idea of being seduced by a vampire is old, but it is very different in "I Am Legend". Also, this is more of a good sci-fi novel than a ghost story. In fact, there is a good amount of science and logic here.
I love the ending too. There is something exciting about Neville's (the main character) knowing his fate, and realizing it's significance. He knows what is about to happen, and he accepts it. The ending is very dark, and very cool.
I actually loved the I am Legend story. It was a very unique twist on the the whole vampire thing. The Will Smith Movie was actually supposed to have the same ending, but they changed it because it wasn't Hollywood enough
That is kind of sad..... the ending is what makes the story so unique. I did read that they are going to try to make a new version, closer to the original source.
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