Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Grouseland- The White House of the West, Vincennes, IND.

This undated postcard has a lot of information-

THE HARRISON MANSION- Sometimes referred to as the "White House of the West," was errected and occupied by William Hebry Harrison, the first governor of Indiana Territory and who later became the ninth president of the United States.  On the lawn in front of this historic old mansion, surrounded by massive trees, was held the celebrated interview between Gov. Harrison and Chief Tecumseh with about seventy-five warriors, representing the different tribes of Indians.  This old mansion has been purchased by the D.A.R. and this patriotic organization now maintains this romantic old home which is truly a real show place for the many visitors who come to Historic Old Vincennes.

We visited there in 2014!

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