Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Random Thoughts on Friday

Happy Black Friday!

I wanted to take a second to tip my hat to legendary Cleveland Ohio weather man Dick Goddard, who has very recently retired.

Cleveland Scene has a nice little mention of Dick here.

Dick is very vocal about animal cruelty, and his name is attached to a law increasing penalties for those who abuse animals.  VERY COOL.

Dick Goddard is funny as heck too.  I remember him sneaking some funny jokes in to his forecasts.  You had to be paying attention to catch them!

I remember watching a Big Chuck and Little John skit one night.  I forget the punch-line of the skit, or even what it was about, but it involved people sitting in a doctors office waiting room.  Dick Goddard was one of the people waiting around, and he was looking at the centerfold of an adult magazine.  Obviously, they didn't show anything "dirty" on this family oriented show, but you could tell what magazine Dick Goddard was looking at.  It was so funny seeing the local weather guy doing that during the skit.  It was out of character, but it showed that Dick was OK with being goofy for a good laugh.

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