Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Wallhouse Hotel- Walnut Creek Ohio

I remember several months ago reading a tripadvisor article about the top 25 hotels in America.  I noticed that the Wallhouse Hotel on Walnut Creek made the list!  This caught my attention, because we are in Walnut Creek fairly frequently.

So, for this trip to the area, we decided to get a room here.

We noticed when we arrived that the Wallhouse has put up a HUGE sign right beside it, bragging about the ranking!  You would not miss this if you tried!

Something else that I have always noticed about this hotel that sticks out to me.  It seems out of place.  The Walnut Creek area has a very rural feel.  Heck, this is Amish Country.  People come to this area to take a step back.

AND the Wallhouse Hotel is MODERN.  Very modern.  Don't expect cute paintings of horses and buggies here.

It has a very new, updated, modern feel.  When you walk into your room, you feel like you are the first person to ever walking into it.

These guys have figured out a few things that give them an edge over their competition too.  We got a text before arriving, asking if they could do anything for us before we got there (for the record, we asked for extra towels, which were provided).  We noticed a "do not disturb" sign on a door.  Beside it was placed a nice basket off soaps, towels, coffee etc that would have been replaced if the sign had not been put up.

I was very happy to see Wallhouse Coffee out 24 hours!  I figured this hotel must be owned by the same people who also own one of my all time favorite coffee places since they share the Wallhouse name, but I was told that they are owned by separate people.  I was told that the owner of the coffee shop and the hotel are both good friends though.

We ended up staying here a few nights and we did like the place a lot. 

My only issues, as I mentioned before, is that it almost seems like it is in the wrong area.  It doesn't exactly fit in Walnut Creek.  I talked to my buddy John about this slick hotel.  He has been to it too, and he made a very good point.

He mentioned that the Wallhouse STANDS OUT in an area with businesses that are all a throw back.  He felt that putting something so different in the area was pretty cool in his books.

AND, actually, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that he had a point.  In an area full of traditional style and faux Amish, the Wallhouse Hotel does stand out as an original.

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