The Flatwoods monster (aka the Braxton County Monster, Braxie, and other various names) appeared in Flatwoods West Virginia in 1952. Unlike the Mothman, it appeared only once, and it was witnessed by just a fistful of people, mostly kids.
An object was seen going across the sky. When the group went to investigate, they saw a a 10 foot tall humanoid creature that hissed that them! The witnesses stuck to their story, despite decades of people trying to suggest that they saw something more earthly.

So- they have set up a small trail with five large and cool painted chairs. Each is designed the same but painted differently. If you visit all 5 chairs and get your photo taken with each one, you get a free sticker.

We were able to claim our sticker at the museum from the friendly staff there. I have heard that the chair by the Dairy Queen is no longer there.... so at the time of this writing, I think there are just 4 chairs on the trail
The sticker is actually pretty cool. AND, the only way to get this sticker is by doing the trail.
This area would make for a GREAT 2 or three day weekend trip to go along with a visit to Point Pleasant!

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