Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Herbert Hoover National Historic Site and Library in West Branch Iowa

We were able to visit the Herbert Hoover National Historic Site AND the separate Library and Museum dedicated to him in West Branch Iowa.

We parked at the National Historic Site.  We went in and talked to a friendly ranger who gave us a map of the area.  We watched about a 15 minute movie at this location (spoiler alert, its a bit of a tear jerker).

We then walked to the childhood home/birth site, school, and church associated with his young life.  AND, still within a short walk, we made it to the Library and Museum!

There was a small fee at the Library and Museum.  We hopped right on to a guided tour.

AND, before leaving the area, we walked to the final resting place of POTUS 31 and his wife Lou Henry.

Hoover is, I think an overlooked president in many ways because he was a REALLY nice human.  Almost saintly.  He did a lot of good work and helped a lot of people.

Unfortunately, we has President during a really back economy...  so he gets remembered for that.

But, he was just a really good human and tried his best.  He had done well for himself before becoming President, and declined a salary (he, Kennedy, and Trump are the only 3 to have done that so far).

This is a great site for people who visit sites though.  Its in a nice, rural area.  West Branch is a very attractive small town.  AND, you can take in most of the sites associated with this president in one nice walk!

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