Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Postcards: Mammoth Cave

I really love the top postcard. It is unused, but someone wrote 1918 on the back in pencil.

I really enjoy finding cool old photos of the groups going inside the Historic entrance.

The bottom card is linen, but it is a very nice photo. It reads:

Here the Almighty has placed treasures of beauty like jewels in an earthen casket. Enchanting, indeed, is the beauty of Fairy Grotto and numerous vaulted chambers, the largest having an area of two acres and a roof 125 feet high. Star chamber, with a ceiling of black manganese, is studded with innumerable crystals of snowy gypsum. The most beautiful section of the Cave is known as Violet City.

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