Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Friday, April 22, 2016

"Mrs. Kennedy and Me" by Clint Hill

I wanted to take a book with me on our trip with a heavy Texas connection.  "Mrs. Kennedy and Me" by Clint Hill seemed like a good choice. 

And it was.  Clint Hill was with the Secret Service during several administrations.  Most notably, he was Jackie Kennedy's main Secret Service agent and spent a lot of time with her.

Hill does a great job of writing a nice story about his work in the Secret Service over a few years, keeping this mostly about his work with the late First Lady.  He does a very admirable job of leaving the dirt relating to the Kennedy family alone.  There are no scandalous stories in this volume.  He is just professionally telling about his own direct experiences on the job.  He does very briefly allow his opinions of Aristotle Onassis to show, but that's it.

Especially concerning Mrs. Kennedy, Clint dealt a lot with sneaky photographers trying to get pictures of her riding horses (and falling off).  Star struck fans and admirers are also another issue.  Mostly, he tried his best to help her get some privacy.

Clint Hill figures prominently into the tragic day in Dallas, when President Kennedy is shot and killed.  Immediately after hearing shots fired, he jumps on the back of the limo and uses his body to shield the first couple.  The limo is speeding off to the hospital fast, someone is shooting at the President, and Clint is putting himself in a very scary position.  There is an amazing photo in the book showing this.

Clint does feel guilt about not getting to the President in time, but the First Lady still recognizes his efforts on that terrible day.

I really enjoyed reading this book because it was simple and sincere.  Mr. Hill is being Honest, and has no bones to pick.  it gets my highest possible recommendation.

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