Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Sunday, April 18, 2021

"Gettysburg's Coster Avenue: The Brickyard Fight and the Mural" by Mark H. Dunkelman

I recently rewatched my video of a battlefield tour we took in Gettysburg from several years ago.  As I watched it, I remembered how exciting and fascinating the town was.  

It is great, and there are so many places, people and art associated with the town and the battle.

Well, I started thinking about the wonderful, though very faded outdoor painting that we saw, the "Coster Avenue Mural".

This great piece of art was big and impressive.  It was right in the area of the battle.  It was also on wood, and exposed to the elements.

I googled around, wondering what had happened to it, and if there was ever any restoration done to it.

Luckily, I found that the mural's creator, Mark H. Dunkelman wrote a book about the battle and the mural!

AND, autographed copies are available through Gettysburg Publishing!  You know I ordered one!

This is a great book.....  It is a quick read, but it is a lot of fun.  AND, since it is by the artist.....  it is kind of a great souvenir for anyone who has seen the mural and marveled at it.

I really enjoyed reading about the inspiration and creation of the mural early on.  There have been restoration efforts.

After I was able to see it in its very faded state, it REALLY got a makeover.  I don't want to give anything away, but the painting is truly transformed into something new, while still being the mural.


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