Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Old Postcards: Covington, Ky.

There are two really cool religious landmarks in northern Kentucky. Actually, I can think of a couple more, but these the first two that come to my mind (the replica of Jesus' Tomb comes to mind too).

I know both of these are mentioned in some of my odd Kentucky travel books. I have visited both.

The Little Church card reads- Scarcely larger than a child's playhouse, so small that, including the priest, it can hold but three persons, this tiny church was build by "Black Friars." It is made completely of stone, even the roof, except for its single stained glass window and narrow door. In this shrine, the Friars originally worshipped in perpetual adoration.

It was sent from Newport in 1943.

The other postcard is unused. It gives statistics on the back about St. Mary's Cathedral in Covington. There are many interesting facts about it, so search it out. It is home to the largest rose window in the world.

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