Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Random Thoughts On Friday

I took a road trip to Kansas City recently. I will get some posts up about that soon enough (I am still sorting out my photos from my Carolinas trip) but I had a really nice time.

I found a great antique shop in Independence Missouri that had a real nice selection of old postcards! I love looking through boxes of old postcards, I almost feel like they are becoming forgotten historical relics. I really appreciate them, as you can tell from this blog.

I found some great postcards from Mammoth Cave, My Old Kentucky Home, and others.

Some of the used ones were postmarked in the 30s and 40s, bought in Kentucky and sent to a friend near Kansas.

It struck me that they started out in some Kentucky gift shop after they were printed. They were made to celebrate a landmark in Kentucky. They were quickly sent by a visitor to a friend up north.

They have likely remained in a closet or attic in the Kansas area for decades, pretty much undisturbed. I would hate to speculate much on how they were liberated from that closet or other storage area (I am guessing an estate sale was involved) but somehow they found their way to this antique store in Indepence.

Then I enter the picture. On a brief road trip from the Bluegrass State, I buy the postcards, and bring them back to their defining state- after decades of storage.

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