Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Random Thoughts On Friday

I love small cozy local type coffee shops. I really love them. Check out the many reviews in the past I have done on them.
BUT, I have to admit something else too- I love Starbucks.
I know, they are a chain, and have very little to do with Kentucky- but man do they put out a great product. And, they are doing some things that a lot of independent guys are neglecting.
First, I think just about every Starbucks opens at around 5:30 and they close around 11. These are the times I need coffee the most! There is one independent coffee shop I like that closes at 7!
Here is something else Starbucks has going for it. The staff is friendly. Really friendly. I have spent a lot of time at Starbucks here in Lexington, and they have good people working there. I stop at the one on Richmond Rd. frequently. I love the staff there.
I do like to stop at the local places when we travel, but again, Starbuck's is consistently good. We went to the South Bend Chocolate Company's Chocolate Cafe in Indianapolis recently and had a bad experience (overcharged, rude service, emailed the manager, they could have cared less). We walked around the block and saw a Starbucks. We all agreed that we should have gone to Starbucks in the first place.
I do feel a little sad when I see a chain coffee place come in to an area where they have a nice local beverage place. I do want to see the locals survive, but they have to compete. I have to tip my hat to Starbucks for upping the standards- and for making a good cup of coffee.

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