Well, Wallhouse Coffee might be the most perfect coffee shop I have come across in some time. This is my new favorite coffee shop in Ohio.
We knew we would be in this area, and we saw that there was a coffee shop right on our way! We decided that this would be a perfect stop on our trip.
We pulled in to their parking lot, and the place looked a bit too upscale for an independent place. We walked in and thought the same thing. There are no second hand store tables here. The chairs all match and look attractive. AND the place was spotless.
Don't get me wrong, chaotic and mismatched coffee shops can be charming, and appeal to me and my friends..... but a place like this appeals to everyone.

I usually pass on ice cream, but this was the BEST ICE CREAM ever! Chocolate and real peanut butter mixed with their vanilla ice cream..... I want some now!
Their soup and sandwiches were also perfect. These guys aren't nuking stuff in the back and passing it off as quality..... This was a great, fresh, frankly perfect meal.

We were impressed with our drinks, food and ice cream..... and we fell in love with Wallhouse Coffee. This isn't just a top quality coffee shop, it is a flawless restaurant.
I asked a young worker if the business was a franchise. I was assured that this was the only Wallhouse location. I told the young lady that the place seemed too slick to be one of one. She laughed and agreed- and the way she laughed made me think that she had heard that before.
SPEAKING of the staff there.... They all wore neat black chef jackets. They all seemed to care about their product, and took the time to answer all of our questions. They sold attractive mugs with their logo on them, and at about $7 each, I bought one for me, and two for gifts. The nice guy who helped me with the purchase took the time to individually wrap each one.
I can think of some major chains that should come to Wallhouse Coffee in Sugarcreek to take notes. I am going to declare Wallhouse Coffee my favorite coffee shop AND restaurant in Ohio (and don't forget that I lived in that state for 10 years). This place cares about quality and a great product. They get my highest recommendation.
Hello Jim, Just happened to come across your blog post about the Wallhouse Coffee Company. I happen to work for the company and just wanted to say thank you for such a wonderful post and for taking the time to support a family owned business. We would love to share this link with our followers on our Facebook page!
Hey there, thanks! Feel free to repost..... We do find ourselves in Sugarcreek a time or two each year, and we ALWAYS make a point to stop by Wallhouse! In fact, if we are in the area for several days, we usually stop by each day that we are in town!
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