Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

This Month's Kentucky Explorer

Kentucky Explorer just keeps putting out great issues!  This month's was another winner......

I really loved a great article in this one by Bob Thompson.  Bob gives a GREAT history of souvenir photos at Mammoth Cave!  As someone who has picked up an old Mammoth Cave photo or two, I really loved this effort!

An article from 1921 discusses Abraham Lincoln's efforts to learn and educate himself.

ANOTHER great Lincoln related article discusses Kitty Todd, Abe's wife's half sister, and her efforts to help Confederate soldiers in northern prisons get needed supplies.

An article originally printed in 1902 covers a first hand account of life in the Orphan Brigade during the Civil War.

There is a lot more to the issue, but these were my favorites!

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