Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Rockport Lincoln Pioneer Village

You may know, I have visited pretty much every place Abraham Lincoln lived, and most of the main locations associated with him.  Oddly, I have only recently been able to make it to the Rockport Lincoln Pioneer Village.  I say oddly, because this amazing museum/village is only a short drive from where I grew up!  AND, sadly, I don't remember hearing about it back then!

Well, at least I FINALLY made it here!

Sure, this isn't the spot where Lincoln was born or even where he lived.  This is not Hodgenville, Lincoln City, or Springfield, but the town does have strong ties to President number 16.  AND, after seeing this museum, I think all Lincoln Pilgrims MUST add this site to their lists.

The museum on the grounds is nice, but small.  Be prepared to spend some time here though, as there is no fluff.  The cases hold many items important to the area's history, but there are some very impressive Lincoln relics.

I probably spent a large chunk of time gazing at a case in the back displaying some amazing items.  Check out the photos.

Outside, there are many replica or restored cabins and buildings associated with Lincoln, and the people in his life.

This is a great place for any fan of Abe Lincoln to visit!  It is packed with great info and relics from Lincoln, his family, and friends.

This might be one of the most underrated history museums around!

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