Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Knight Spider Farm- Williamstown, Vermont

I had two places I absolutely had to visit while in Vermont.  Will Knight's Spider Web Farm was one of them.

If you have ever read a book on Vermont's oddities, strange places, weird sites, etc. then you MUST know about Will Knight.  I think it is easy to say that he is Vermont's most famous folk artist.

Since the 70s, Will has made pieces of artwork that involve spider webs!    He has a couple of sheds with frames set up.  Spiders build their webs in these frames.  Will spray paints the webs white, and then mounts them onto lacquered pieces of wood creating a very nice wall plaque that is truly unique.

Will has a small shop on his property where he sells his art, which is right by his web shacks.  He seemed happy about having visitors stop by during the day.  We probably chatted for a long time.  Will is 90 now, but he could pass for several decades younger.  He seems very energetic!

Will is a WWII vet, so we talked about everything from his artwork, spiders in general, the military, society, and his home state! 

I purchased a few pieces of work from Will.  His website mentions that he is sold out of webs, but they do have some in the shop for people who stop by in person.  Will did say that he is simply not making as many as he used to.

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