Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Kings X Toy Soldiers in San Antonio Texas

I don't admit this to everyone, but I love to paint toy soldiers.  I have done it for a long time now.  I started in my teens, painting mostly 32nd scale WWII soldiers.  Lots of Germans.  That is a popular era, and quality toy soldiers of that time are readily available and affordable.  I would buy mine at Wal-Mart and K-Mart back then.

Well, I have really been on a Civil War kick over the last few years, and I got back in to painting soldiers again through my interest in that conflict.

AND, with our recent visits to the Alamo, and reading up on that fight, I have found myself painting 2 inch tall Alamo Defenders and their attackers.

My cousin actually used to live in San Antonio, and he told me that I had to stop by the toy soldier shop in the Menger while there.

Well, Kings X is that toy soldier shop in the Menger. 

Kings X sales mostly very detailed miniatures produced by King & Country.  They have an amazing diorama set up depicting the Alamo in their shop.

There were some other battles shown around the shop, but obviously with the actual Alamo just feet away, that battle is what you want to see in miniatures.

AND, a highly detailed hand painted miniature is, in many ways, the PERFECT souvenir of your trip.  Also, with the Menger's connection to Teddy Roosevelt, picking up the Kings X exclusive Teddy figure here is a no-brainer.  Yes, I bought one.

I also picked up a bag of very detailed TSSD Alamo soldiers that are unpainted- so I can paint them back home while remembering our time in San Antonio!

Their Alamo diorama alone is worth stopping by to check it out.  It is amazing!

Buy something while you are there though.  Like I said, having a cool Alamo soldier, bought from a place where the battle happened makes for a cool shelf item to take home.

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