Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Forbidden Planet and the Strand in New York City

So, one evening we went over to Forbidden Planet Comics Shop and the Strand Book Store in New York.  They are both located literally right next door to each other.

We looked through Forbidden Planet, which is a place I would have loved at one time.  I still though it was pretty cool, but teenage me would have absolutely freaked out over this place.

It is a huge comic shop, with all of the collectible toys and that sort of thing.  At the front counter, they did have a nice selection of signed recent comics.  I was very impressed with that.  In fact, I am sure I would have picked up some, just to give them a try...  but I had to think about packing issues for the ride home.  I had one carry on bag with me, and I was concerned with trying to stuff more into it.

I went in to the Strand Books with the same mentality.  Plus, I am stocked up on books to read for some time.  Ever so often one pops out to me, but its not often.  I did briefly visit their rare books room on the third floor, but they were setting up for an event.  Plus, there are really no rare books I am looking for at this time.

I DID end up buying some of their small buttons and some postcards!  In fact, I found a few very cool things here, including a very nice 1984 book pin, and a similar one for Fahrenheit 451.

We were really impressed with the atmosphere at the Strand.  The place was vibrant with staff and shoppers.  There must have been 10 registers open to check people out.  it was nice seeing a book store obviously doing a lot of good business.

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