Fremont Troll

Fremont Troll
The Fremont Troll, a well known Seattle Washington landmark!

Monday, January 21, 2019

21-C Museum Hotel in Louisville KY

We stepped in to the 21-C Museum Hotel in Louisville while we were in town.  I have been curious about this place for a while, but I wanted to stop by when I had a good amount of time to take it all in.

This was a good idea, because there is a LOT to take in.

As someone who has worked with resin casting, I have admired their penguins...  There is something cool about them.  You know, they are kinda like a cool toy you might have bought as a small kid, only gigantic.  They are exactly the kind of thing I have made before in resin.... and mine would be an inch or two tall.  Not four feet tall.

So, we walked in and the place DID feel more like a museum than a hotel.  Very slick and modern. 

Right behind the front desk you immediately note 4 life sized (and anatomically correct) detailed sculptures of unclothed children.  So......  they are going for a bit of an "art that may make you feel uncomfortable" vibe here.

As far as a museum goes...  this is impressive.  There are several displays.  Many paintings and larger projects.  There are some things that are difficult to describe.  There are smoking bowls that release smoke..  smoke that looks like jelly fish floating through the air. 
By the elevators...  a camera films you as you walk by.  You are projected onto the wall, slightly distorted. 

Artsy painting and photos hang on the walls.  Many are extremely artsy and symbolic.  Thinking back, I don't think I saw a basic landscape, or general photo anywhere.

You can buy one of their signature penguins.  You can also buy other animals made with the same process.  These are several thousand dollars, though you can buy a small ceramic penguin for less than $40.

 21C is different.  You know when I travel, I like to stay somewhere old and historic.....  So I'm not sure I would want to stay at a 21C.  Even though this one in Louisville is in an old tobacco and bourbon warehouse, it is still too slick and modern for me.

Still, I am intrigued by what they are doing here.  I did pick up a few things in their gift shop, and I will definitely be checking these Museum/Hotels out when we travel.

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